UX Research Conferences

Connect with UX researchers around the globe at UXinsight conferences

What started as a local UX research meetup, grew into the first UX research conference in Europe in 2017.

Since then, every year, hundreds of UX researchers from all over the world (about 40 countries) gather at the UXinsight Festival to discuss trends in UX research, case studies, new methods, research maturity and more.

All our UX research conferences aim to provide actionable insights, high-quality content, speaker diversity​ and interaction opportunities.

Check our UX research conferences

Festival 2025

Save the date

Festival 2024

Stay Curious, Be Bold

Festival 2023

Pause, Rewind & Play

Festival 2022

Growth in UX research

Festival 2021

Learning by failing

Unfolds 2021

Making UX research more inclusive

Festival 2020

Creativity in research

UXinsight 2019

Looking ahead

UXinsight 2018

UX research maturity

UXinsight 2017

First edition

Festival 2025

From April 14-16, we are back with our 9th annual UX research conference in the Netherlands and online ✨

You're invited to join us:
🤝 Call for volunteers: September 2024
💡 Call for speakers: October 2024
🎟️ Ticket sales: January 2025

Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about exact dates and specifics.

Festival 2024

Hybrid conference, April 15, 16 and 17 (Breda, the Netherlands and online)
*8th edition*

A UXR conference for everyone passionate about UX research ❤️

As the UX research field matures, collaborations expand, and AI reshapes processes, adaptability is key.

Our participants were invited to ‘Stay Curious and Be Bold’:
🌟 Explore beyond the known
🧪 Dare to experiment & do things differently
😎 Be confident, speak up, and make a difference

Let’s get even more passionate about UXR ❤️

More about UXinsight Festival 2024

Festival 2023

Hybrid conference, April 17, 18 and 19 (Breda, the Netherlands and online)

The theme of our seventh annual UXR conference was Pause, Rewind & Play ⏸️⏪▶️. We are used to focusing on the needs of others, whether it's our users or stakeholders. But this time we invited our participants to take the time to look inwards. Our amazing speakers focused on making sure we take enough care of ourselves and our practice, reflecting on our role, standards, methods & approaches and having fun connecting with the UXR community.

More about UXinsight Festival 2023

Festival 2022

Hybrid conference, May 30, 31 & June 1

This 3-day conference was full of practical workshops and inspiring talks by industry experts like Amanda Gelb, Ilse Blom, Yao Adantor and Jennifer Blatz. They shared their insights and learnings on topics related to personal career growth, growing the UXR field and growth of the UXR community.

More about UXinsight Festival 2022

Festival 2021

We’ve all heard about inspiring success stories, but what about the great ideas that came out of failure?

During this 3-day online conference, speakers like Nikki Anderson (Zalando), Kathleen Asjes, Stephanie M. Pratt and Victor Yocco, shared their lessons learned in doing research, building a practice, democratizing research and ethics.

More about UXinsight Festival 2021

Unfolds 2021

Online conference, November 11th.

A deep dive into the topic of inclusion and diversity in user research. With speakers talking about biases, creating awareness, who to include in research, how to find diverse participants and more.

More about UXinsight Unfolds 2021

Festival 2020

In 2020 we planned a 3-day in-person conference in cooperation with the ResearchOps community ..... And then Covid-19 hit the world.

Together with a.o. Brigette Metzler, Tomomi Sasaki, Holly Cole and Hugo Froes, the UXinsight team translated the conference to a 5-day online experience.

We enjoyed a great line-up with speakers from companies like Spotify, Google, Adidas, Shopify, Philips, Mailchimp and others.

More about UXinsight Festival 2020

UXinsight 2019

In 2019 we looked at the exciting future of UX research through three lenses: How, Why and Who? Focus areas are technology & data (the ‘how’), role & purpose (the ‘why’) and inclusiveness & collaboration (the ‘who’).

We enjoyed a great line-up with speakers like Steve Portigal, Colette Kolenda (Spotify), David McCrae (Google), Aryel Cianflone (LinkedIn) and Raz Schwartz (Facebook).

UXinsight 2018

Tomer Sharon opened this edition with the exciting topic "What UX research maturity looks like". Gregg Bernstein talked about how to scale a research team. And we ended the day with learning more about designing Nudges, in a talk by Reint Jan Renes.

UXinsight 2017

When we started brainstorming about organising a one-day event in the Netherlands, we wondered if more than 100 people would sign up.

So it was a positive surprise that we attracted about 250 people from different parts of the world that first year. We learned that there was no other conference dedicated to UX research. At least not in Europe, not at that time.

It was clear that the UX community was ready for UX research focused content. We enjoyed a great line-up with speakers from companies like Google, Booking.com, Coolblue and others.

What to expect at UXinsight conferences?


The majority of our participants are UX researchers and designers involved in user research. We balance content relevant for the more senior researchers with that for starters. 


Who is attending UXinsight UX research conferences?

Over the years we gained a wider reach, with speakers and attendants from all over the world. 


"I liked how international the audience were." - Festival 2020 attendee

Speakers involved

Our program includes industry experts and features speakers from companies like Google, Facebook, Spotify, LinkedIn, Booking.com and more. But just as well UX researchers working for smaller agencies, governments or start-ups. 


"The organizing committee pays special attention to emerging and interesting topics and is keen on embracing new ways of looking at both new and existing problems. Many thanks to the organizers for curating an environment that is open, curious and collaborative!"
- Festival 2020 speaker

Curation & program

Every year the UXinsight conference program is hosted by a different team of UX research experts who evaluate the proposals.


We are looking for diversity in speakers and topics, new perspectives, actionable learnings and relevance for UX research professionals. Experience in speaking is not required: we support inexperienced speakers and coach them along the way. 


"Great speakers and very well organised conference. I came away having learned new things and made new connections with people. It has been my favorite conference I’ve ever attended!" – 2019 attendee

Inclusion & diversity

We aim for our resources and services to be inclusive of different people and perspectives. 

Some examples: Connecting with local UX research communities around the world | Attracting a diverse pool of speakers | Offering support for inexperienced speakers | Differentiating ticket prices based on economic situation


"Thanks for inviting such a diverse range of speakers. Setting the standard for other conferences!" - Unfolds 2021 attendee

Valued partnerships

Our goal is to add value to the UX research community. We strive to work with people and organisations that are aligned with our intentions.

We really value our sponsors and partners, and cannot exist without their help. We're looking for long term partnerships with a win-win for all parties involved. 


"In terms of making connections and raising awareness, we can say that is was a success. In terms of promoting our open positions, there was a lot of interest.​" - Zalando, Festival 2021 sponsor

Partners who supported UXinsight conferences

Zalando at UXinsight Festival
UX alliance at UXinsight Festival 2021

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